Dr. Ahmad Al Jawish

Corniche and Synergy (Shakhbout) Branch

Dr. Ahmad Al Jawish

Specialist Pediatric Dentist MSc in Pediatric Dentistry - Damascus Universtiy

Dr. Ahmad Al-Jawish is a dentist specialist in pediatric dentistry - master's degree in pediatric dentistry and Syrian board.

Dr. Ahmad Al-Jawish graduated from Damascus University as a general practitioner in 2014.

He had a master's degree from Damascus University in 2021.

Dr. Ahmad worked as supervisor in pediatric dentistry department at Damascus University between the years (2017-2021).

Dr. Ahmad has more than 10 years of experience in dentistry.

Dr. Ahmad treats all cases related to his specialty, such as (Dental and cosmetic treatments for children -management of children who suffer from fear and anxiety at the dental clinic - management of dental trauma cases - management of patients with special needs and general diseases).

Dr. Ahmad seeks to provide special care and a different approach to children who suffer from fear and anxiety about the dental clinic by reassuring the child and his parents,hi is encouraging and explaining about dental treatment, until we reach the end by providing a new treatment and modifying behavior in a positive way towards the dental clinic.