1. May 26, 2022

When Should I Take My Child to the Dentist?

When your child first started teething, you may have wondered, “When should I take my child to the dentist?” When they have all of their teeth, is it? Or do you wait until a problem arises, such as a cavity? You might be startled to find that the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry suggests scheduling your baby’s first dental visit by the time he or she turns one year old. We understand how young that sounds; after all, they may only have a few baby teeth in their mouth at the time. There are, however, a number of advantages to commencing children’s education early. We’ll go through the fundamentals of the first visit and why it’s so crucial.

What happens during a child’s first dental visit is largely determined by their age and circumstances. Our Dedicated pediatric dentists at Appolonia World always allow the child control the pace, and we don’t have any hard and fast rules about how things should be done. We can create a solid relationship with children by providing them a sense of control and not pushing them too far outside of their comfort zone. They’ll feel comfortable and secure with us this way. Cleanings and exams are easier and more effective when kids trust the dentist, as is treatment if it’s ever needed.

During your child’s first dental visit, he or she will usually sit on your lap. If your child is extremely nervous, it could even be just a meet and greet. We’ll normally examine their teeth and count them. If your child is ready for a cleaning, we employ the tell-show-do method, in which we explain what we’re going to do and why we’re doing it, show them the specific tools we’ll use, and then get to work (don’t worry, we’re fast!).

These initial visits are crucial because they allow children to become comfortable with the sights and sounds of the dental office, and they let us to monitor their growth and development. We can also connect with you, the parent, and talk about things like how to build a great oral hygiene routine, how to avoid tooth decay, and how to address hazardous oral behaviors like thumb sucking or prolonged bottle use.

How Often Should My Child See a Dentist?

While the frequency of your child’s dental visits will vary depending on their needs, we normally recommend six-monthly check-ups. This allows us to build a stronger relationship with your child and give them more confidence when it comes to appointments. We may also keep track of how their grin is developing up because children’s mouths alter and grow so quickly. We can treat problems early on when they are easier and less intrusive if we notice them.

Why Should My Child See a Pediatric Dentist?

A pediatric dentist is a specialist who goes through additional training after dentistry school to specialize on the dental care of children and teenagers, especially those with special needs. We have a thorough awareness of a child’s growth and the unique issues they confront in terms of oral health. We also learn about child psychology and how to communicate with children in a positive, instructive, and non-threatening manner. We utilize child-friendly terminology and techniques to help children relax and develop a positive relationship with their oral health that will last a lifetime.

In addition to our training, our practice is tailored specifically for children. Our children dentistry offices in Khalifa City and Khalidiya are both Kids friendly designed and colorful. We have toys and activities for the kids to play with, as well as balloons and unique toothbrushes. For their convenience, our treatment rooms are kid-sized. To a child, an adult dental practice might seem frightening, professional, and intimidating. We avoid this and make going to the dentist enjoyable. This can go a long way toward making the experience stress-free for both kids and parents.