1. May 10, 2022
  2. by admin

Why Should Kids See a Pediatric Dentist?

Kids aren’t just miniature adults; they’re still developing and have their own set of demands. This is why most parents choose to take their children to a pediatrician rather than their primary care physician. After all, a pediatrician is trained to look after children. A pediatric dentist is similar to a pediatrician in the realm of dentistry. These experts have the experience and training to provide exceptional dental care to infants, children, teens, and people with special needs. We’ll discuss what a pediatric dentist is, how they can help your child, and why they’re the greatest option for little children.


Pediatric dentists, such as those at Appolonia World Pediatric Dentistry, not only confine their practice to treating children, but they also complete an additional two to three years of speciality training following dental school. This course will teach you how to provide dental treatment to newborns, children, teenagers, and persons with specific healthcare requirements. Pediatric dentists are experts in the oral health needs of children and teenagers, as well as the development of children’s teeth. They’ve also been trained in child behavior, so they can customize their approach and approaches to children from newborn to puberty.


Our pediatric dentists provide children with a wide range of general and specialist dental services. All of their dental health needs can be met at one location. Pediatric dentists provide the following services:

Comprehensive exams, dental cleanings, and protective dental sealants are examples of preventative dental care.

Diagnostics for early diagnosis of problems while they are still manageable.

Tooth treatments for children, including cavity fillings, dental traumas, and gum disease, as well as space maintainers and habit-breaking gadgets.

Education and counseling to children and their parents on how to establish a good dental hygiene practice at home, as well as diet, oral habits, such as thumb sucking and pacifier use, and other topics.

When sedation is required, it must be done safely.

Children and teenagers with special needs are cared for.


Because pediatric dentists treat children, their offices are usually much more kid-friendly. Our offices are Pediatric Dentistry, bright, engaging, and modern, with a focus on young patients. They don’t have the clinical, threatening atmosphere of an adult dentistry practice. Everything is kid-sized for maximum comfort, and we offer rewards, games, and books to keep the youngsters entertained.

Our dentists understand how to communicate with children on their level, using terminology that they comprehend. They also know how to use behavioral approaches such as tell-show-do and positive reinforcement. This reduces anxiety and allows children to receive the care they require. We make visiting to the dentist a pleasurable experience, setting the basis for lifelong dental health. It also simplifies things for parents. We can help anxious or afraid children get through appointments, which reduces your stress as well.


When it comes to seeing a pediatric dentist, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children see one by the age of six months after receiving their first tooth. This may appear to be a very young age, but these early visits are crucial. They aid in familiarizing little children with the sights and sounds of the dental office and developing a connection with the dentist. They also allow the dentist to monitor your child’s dental development.

At Appolonia World Pediatric Dentistry, we let your child set the tone for the first visit, and we take as much time as you need to answer your questions. During the initial appointment, most newborns will sit on their parents’ laps, and we will perform a fast but thorough oral examination, but there is no one-size-fits-all method. Before we begin, we always show them any tools we’ll be using and explain what we’ll be doing. They will know what to expect and will not be surprised.

People sometimes believe that because children’s primary teeth would fall out regardless, they don’t need to see a dentist at all. That isn’t the case at all. The baby's teeth play a crucial function in the development of the child. They help kids eat and speak properly, save space for permanent teeth, and guide facial growth. This is why it’s so important to take care of them by going to the dentist on a regular basis. While it depends on your child’s needs, we recommend seeing a pediatric dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning for the majority of children.